How Storytelling creates reality

Sascha H. Funk
5 min readNov 29, 2022


We all know that stories have the power to transport us to different worlds. They can make us laugh, cry, and feel every emotion in between. But what if I told you that stories also have the power to create reality? It’s true! The stories we tell ourselves and each other shape our perception of the world and how we interact with it. In fact, storytelling is such a powerful tool that it has been used throughout history to control entire populations. While this may sound like a scary proposition, it doesn’t have to be. In this blog post, we will explore how storytelling can be used for good, to create positive change in the world. We will also look at some examples of how this has been done throughout history.

What is storytelling?

The power of storytelling is that it can actually create reality. When we hear a story, our brain automatically starts filling in the details and making it real for us. This is why stories are so powerful. They have the ability to transport us into different worlds and make us feel like we are part of the action.

A good story has the ability to engage all of our senses and immerse us in the experience. We can see the characters, hear their voices, and feel their emotions. This is why stories are such a powerful tool for creating reality. When we hear a story, our brain automatically starts filling in the details and making it real for us.

Stories have the ability to change our beliefs and perceptions about the world. They can challenge our assumptions and help us see things in new ways. In this way, stories have the power to shape our reality.

The power of storytelling

Humans have been telling stories since the dawn of time. It’s how we make sense of the world and communicate our experiences to others. Stories help us understand who we are and where we came from. They provide context for our lives and connect us to something larger than ourselves.

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can be used to change the way people think about the world. Through stories, we can learn new things, challenge our beliefs, and open our minds to new perspectives. Stories have the ability to transcend cultures and connect us on a deep level.

When used effectively, storytelling can be a powerful tool for creating positive change in the world. It can help us raise awareness about important issues, build empathy for others, and promote understanding and respect.

How storytelling creates reality

Humans are meaning-making creatures. We can’t help but see patterns and assign significance to the events in our lives. This is how we make sense of the world and our place in it.

Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways we create reality. When we tell a story, we select and interpret events to give them meaning. We impose a structure on chaos and turn the randomness of life into a coherent narrative.

In doing so, we not only make sense of our own lives, but also shape the lives of those around us. Our stories define who we are and who others are in relation to us. They determine what is possible and what is not.

When you understand this, it’s easy to see how storytelling can be used to create reality. If you want to change the way someone sees the world, all you have to do is tell them a different story.

Examples of how storytelling has created reality

It’s no secret that stories have the power to shape our reality. Whether it’s a personal anecdote, a news story, or a Hollywood blockbuster, stories have the ability to change the way we think and feel. Here are some examples of how storytelling has created reality:

1. Personal Anecdotes

We all have personal anecdotes that have shaped our reality. These are stories that we tell ourselves and others about our lives that help us make sense of the world around us. For example, you might tell yourself a story about how you’re a hard worker in order to motivate yourself to keep going when things get tough. Or you might tell yourself a story about how you’re not good at math in order to explain why you’re struggling in your math class. These stories may not be objectively true, but they help us make sense of our lives and the world around us.

2. News Stories

The news is one of the most powerful forces shaping our reality. The stories that are told on the nightly news or in our social media feeds have a huge impact on how we see the world. They can make us feel scared or hopeful, informed or ignorant. The news can even shape our political beliefs and opinions. For example, studies have shown that people who watch Fox News are more likely than people who watch other news sources to believe false information about topics like climate change and immigration. This is because the stories that are told on Fox News tend to reinforce conservative

The importance of storytelling in our lives

It has been said that storytellers are the most important people in the world. After all, they are the ones who create our reality.

Think about it for a moment. Every culture has its own stories, myths and legends. These stories shape our beliefs and values. They teach us how to behave and how to think about the world around us.

Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of communication. It is a powerful tool that can be used to influence people in a positive way.

When you tell a story, you are creating an experience for your listener. You are taking them on a journey and giving them a new perspective on life.

Storytelling is a skill that can be learned by anyone. If you want to make a difference in the world, start by telling your own stories.


In conclusion, storytelling is not just a way to entertain others or pass on history. It is a fundamental tool that humans use to create and maintain their sense of self and the world around them. Through stories, we can connect with others, understand our place in the universe, and even change the course of history.



Sascha H. Funk

Head of Media Studies | BKK | New Media & ED #Volleyball, #MuayThai. — hosting @FunkItPod | it’s not rain, it’s liquid sunshine