Why martial arts made me a better educator

Sascha H. Funk
4 min readSep 19, 2022


I started practicing martial arts when a decade ago. At first, it was just for self-defense. But soon I realized that martial arts could offer so much more than just physical protection. It could also provide mental and emotional strength. And it could teach discipline and respect. All of these things have helped me become a better educator.

How martial arts training has helped me become a better educator

I started training in martial arts when I was a young teenager. At first, I was drawn to the physical challenge and the opportunity to learn self-defense. But as I continued to train, I began to realize that there were other benefits to be gained from martial arts training — benefits that would eventually help me become a better educator.

Through martial arts training, I learned how to better focus my mind and body. I learned how to control my emotions and remain calm in difficult situations. I also learned how to better communicate with others and work as part of a team. All of these skills have been invaluable in my career as an educator.

When I am working with students, I can draw on my martial arts training to help me stay calm and focused. I am better able to manage difficult situations, and I can more effectively communicate with my students (and their parents). Martial arts training has also helped me develop a greater sense of empathy for others — something that is essential for any good educator.

In short, martial arts training has helped me become a more well-rounded and effective educator. It has given me the tools I need to better manage my classroom and connect with my students. And for that, I will always be grateful.

The discipline and focus that martial arts has taught me

has made me a better educator. I am able to be more patient and present in the moment when working with students. I have also found that martial arts has helped me to be more aware of my surroundings and to always be prepared for anything.

How martial arts has helped me develop a better understanding of people and communication

I started doing martial arts when I was a teenager. It was a great way to get exercise and learn self-defense, but it also taught me invaluable lessons about people and communication.

Martial arts has helped me develop a better understanding of people. I’ve learned how to read people’s body language and energy, and this has helped me immensely in my work as an educator. I can often tell when a student is struggling with something, even if they’re not saying anything, and I can adjust my teaching accordingly.

I’ve also learned how to communicate more effectively. In martial arts, clear and concise communication is essential for success. This has helped me in my work as an educator as well; I’m able to give clear directions and explanations to my students, which helps them understand and retain information better.

Overall, martial arts has made me a better educator by helping me develop a better understanding of people and communication.

How martial arts has given me confidence in my abilities

I started practicing martial arts when I was in college and it has helped me become a better educator in a number of ways. For one, it has given me confidence in my abilities. I know that if I can face down an opponent in the ring, I can certainly handle a group of rowdy students. Martial arts has also helped me develop discipline and focus, which are essential qualities for any teacher.

But perhaps the most important thing that martial arts has taught me is respect. Respect for my opponents, respect for my teachers, and respect for myself. This last point is especially important, because as educators we can often be our own worst critics. Learning to have respect for oneself is an important lesson that I try to impart on my students as well.


I believe that martial arts has made me a better educator because it has taught me how to be discipline, how to be respectful and how to be humble. These are all important virtues that I try to instill in my students. I also think that the martial arts have given me a better understanding of the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them. Finally, I believe that martial arts has helped me become a more well-rounded person, which I think is evident in my teaching.



Sascha H. Funk

Head of Media Studies | BKK | New Media & ED #Volleyball, #MuayThai. https://saschafunk.com — hosting @FunkItPod | it’s not rain, it’s liquid sunshine